Sunday, May 13, 2012

Quinn's Book of Basic Rules ...

It's Mother's Day and I'm alone with The Beatles, a few chirping birds outside my open office window, the sound of a soaking Midwestern rain and my thoughts.

My daughter is taking in a matinee production of Les Miserables with some school friends, while my wife is "doing the hair thing."

My son is on my mind, only because I just happened a Word document titled "Quinn's Book of Basic Rules" that he penned a couple of years ago as he navigated teen angst, bullies and an uncertain world.

I'm smiling broadly as a read how he wanted to live his life and become the man he's destined to be.


If you are reading this, you have found my book of basic rules. Feel free to read them; maybe you’ll learn something. However, I would like this back after you finish. Thanks.

Quinn Amos

P.S. Please pardon the bad handwriting. 

  1. In order to change anything, you must first change yourself.
  2. Survival is the goal.
  3. Everyone is equal.
  4. It is the evil that shows us how to be good.
  5. There’s always room for improvement.
  6. Nothing good comes from anger.
  7. Don’t let one thing completely control your life.
  8. Nothing is ever what it seems.
  9. There is no true 100% or 0%.
  10.  Don’t panic.
  11. Everyone is a variable, including yourself.
  12. Once you tell an idea to the world, it is no longer yours.
  13. Use good ideas to your advantage.
  14. You can’t change the past, so don’t dwell on it.
  15. Don’t look too far into the future.
  16. There’s no such thing as a stupid question, unless you already know the answer.
  17. Do something because it feels right, not because someone says it’s right.
  18. Take in what’s being said, not the appearance of the speaker.
  19. There is no such thing as normal.
  20. Stand up one more time than you fall down.
  21. Take a life a day at a time.
  22. Enjoy yourself.
  23. Help those in need, within your abilities.
  24. Always look people in the eye.
  25. Don’t judge a book by its cover.
  26. Treat everyone as a friend.
  27. There are more than three sides to a coin.
  28. There is no good or bad, only different points of view.
  29. You are mortal.
  30. Enjoy the little things.
  31. Whatever happens will happen.
  32. Swallow your pride.
  33. Don’t let embarrassment take control.
  34. Don’t give up.
  35. Look at yourself before criticizing others.
  36. Don’t leave anyone behind.
  37. You are not the center of the universe.
  38. Don’t do everything all at once.
  39. You must find the cause of the problem to solve it.
  40. Don’t take life so seriously; you’ll never get out alive.
  41. It’s not over until it’s over.
  42. Rushing causes more problems.
  43. It’s useless to compare yourself to someone else.
  44. Simplicity is the best answer.
  45. Everything has a reason for being.
  46. Never mix something good with something bad.
  47. Don’t spend your time finding things wrong with your life.
  48. There’s no “should” or “should not.”
  49. Don’t assume anything.
  50. Be careful what you wish for.
  51. Shake with a firm handshake.
  52. Create theories out of facts, not facts out of theories.
  53. Don’t let a victory get to your head.
  54. Don’t let a defeat go to your head.
  55. Don’t completely rule out a possibility.
  56. Don’t attack someone unless they make the first move.
  57. Destroy the status quo at all costs.
  58. It doesn’t matter how it’s said as long as you understand it.
  59. When the world seems like it’s falling apart, let it finish, then start over.
  60. Keep in mind that you don’t control change.
  61. You are who you are, not what people say you are.
  62. Don’t give the enemy back their ammo.
  63. No one has complete control.
  64. Two wrongs don’t make a right, just a bigger wrong.
  65. Forcing change upon you or anyone else can have disastrous results.
  66. If something works, don’t change it.
  67. Don’t underestimate people.
  68. Don’t over-estimate people.
  69. Everyone interprets everything wrong.
  70. Don’t be afraid to ask for help.
  71. Don’t force your ideas on others.
  72. Follow rules only if they make sense.
  73. Question everything.
I can't wait to find out his newest truisms destined for 74 and beyond.

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